We now have Fraud Alert Notifications for our land records! This service will allow a person to register up to 5 names per email address to alert them if something is recorded with the clerk’s office in that name. A person can request the alert for statewide or for individual parishes.
To register for these Fraud Alert Notifications, go to www.eclerksla.com/home , click on the Manage tab under “Sign Up for eClerks Alert”, enter your ID and password or create an account if not already registered, enter necessary information and select parishes for notifications.

Superior customer service and satisfaction is our ultimate goal.
Please feel free to call us at (225) 686-2216 or toll free (877) 854-1579 if you have questions that are not answered on this site. If you need assistance with this website, please contact Kevin Pope at 225-686-2216, extension 4004 or kevin.pope@livclerk.org. Thank you for visiting our site. We look forward to serving you.
Livingston Parish Clerk of Court’s Office
Livingston Parish Courthouse
P. O. Box 1150
20300 Government Blvd.
Livingston, LA 70754
(Denham Springs Satellite Office)
145 Del Orleans Avenue
Bldg. 2, Suite E
Denham Springs, LA 70726
Phone (Both Locations): 225-686-2216
Fax (Both Locations): 225-686-1867